cv_bridge_boost raised unreported exception when importing cv_bridge
I'm trying to use cv_bridge with ros2 foxy on a raspberry pi 3 on ubuntu 20.04 After installing it with the instructions from the git repo, I'm getting the error below when i import cv_bridge in python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/opt/ros/foxy/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cv_bridge/", line 6, in <module>
from cv_bridge.boost.cv_bridge_boost import cvtColorForDisplay, getCvType
SystemError: initialization of cv_bridge_boost raised unreported exception
I also tried it on my desktop (also Ubuntu 20.04) but it works fine.
I checked cv_bridge/src/module.hpp and it already has the changes from this PR
Has anyone seen this issue before?
This happens for me too. Similarly: - works on my focal (20.04) ubuntu, amd64, i.e. "import cv_bridge" garners no side effects - fails with the same error message when done on my arm64 (aarch64) focal raspberry pi 3b - I am using a packaged version, tracking the latest ros-noetic-cv-bridge from focal/main arm64 Packages, right now 1.15.0-1focal.20200930.205653
I'm getting this error on my amd64 desktop PC: 20.04LTS & Foxy.
I got this error and I used
sudo apt install python3-opencv
to solve my issue.