Send device state informations to remote server

asked 2020-09-16 04:28:25 -0500

prex gravatar image

This is not a ROS specific question, but maybe there is some ROS package which already does what I'm looking for. We have several IoTs, which run with ROS/C++. The devices are logging state data continuously to .csv files. However, firewall rules do not allow me to copy the files over SSH to my workstation. And in the future I'm also interested in continuously monitoring our IoTs and doing some real-time analysis of the data.

I thought this might be a use-case for a database. The most prominent thing I found is Firebase. However, this really seems to be focused on mobile development with iOS and Android. There is a C++ SDK, but in each tutorial they talk about iOS and Android. The README of the SDK even states that the Realtime Database for Desktop is only Beta.

So I'm wondering if there's another way of achieving what I want. There must be other people with the need to remotely monitor their devices.

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