ros launch get param in launch file to append to param from config file
Using a common configuration file (not to be modified) - package_config.yaml:
param0: param0_value
param1: param1_value
Is it possible to append and override certain params only through the launch file? For example:
<arg name="ns" value="namespace0"/>
<node name="node_name" pkg="package" type="package_node" clear_params="true">
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find package)/cfg/package_config.yaml"/>
<param name="param0" value="$(arg ns)$(param param0)"/>
I know that param overriding from the launch file is allowed (calling <param name="param0" value="override_value"/>
after loading params from yaml file <rosparam command="load" file="$(find package)/cfg/package_config.yaml"/>
But (for some reason that is beyond me) there is no way to access params (e.g. $(param param0)
) in the param server from a launch file.
Is there any way to append to existing params from a launch file?