ROS via VNC "XKEYBOARD extension not present"
I'm setting up a new Ubuntu server on Digital Ocean to use for a hosted ROS development environment. Here's what I have:
- ubuntu 18.04
- ROS melodic
- xfce4 desktop
- tightvncserver
I create a tunnel from my Mac to that server with SSH:
ssh -L 5901: -C -N -l <usermame> <server ip>
I use a VNC Cliend (VNC Viewer) to connect to the Ubuntu server. I see the xfce4 desktop. I know that I have a pretty good thing going because I can run FireFox (a heavy Gui app). Then I try the most minimal bit of ROS:
rosrun rqt_console rqt_console
and I get this error message:
Qt: XKEYBOARD extension not present on the X server
(see attached image)
I know this is maybe not a ROS problem. It is probably either a VNC or Ubuntu configuration detail. But I thought that this community might have some experience with it. I've posted this question on StackOverflow as well. Thanks
Qt: Keyboard extension not present on the X Server
then please include the link to your SO question so we can keep things connected.