Should this be necessary to utilize amcl?
Hello, I'm using ROS melodic(not
ROS2) on Ununtu 18.04.
I'm currently working wrt mobile robot navigation, and I'd like to make some robots move following amcl
node with a prepared global map.
However, as far as I've heard, it is imperative to get the mobile robots' initial spawn poses to be matched with the initial poses when I executed gmapping
node, to get a global map.
My mobile robots which should be spawned on the Gazebo simulation are 5 indeed, and I think it would be rather hard work to execute gmapping
node for every mobile robot because the land is too broad.
If I have to do that 5 times, I think I can't help doing so, but if I happen to don't need to, would you please give some advice?
Thanks in advance. :)