Recommendation to manage multiple lifecycle nodes
I imagine a scenario in which there are states, such as standby, hovering, and landing, and each one of these states corresponds to a certain set of active LifecycleNodes. Let's say A, B, and C for standby; D, E, and A for hovering and F, G, and H for landing. It is important to guarantee that in each state the respective nodes will be correctly set and as fast as possible. It may also be necessary to reload parameters.
Any recommendations on how to do that and deal with possible state transition failures? Are there plans to create a ROS2 native node/tool to manage multiple lifecycle nodes and perform that sort of task?
What good timing, I just posted a ticket trying to suss out some of the same topics: I think we're in early days of lifecycle nodes (and even just people understanding them enough to use them) and there's a lot of room for improvement. I would like to hear the answer to your question as well from folks that might be more directly involved in that sort of thing, but I think it would also be valuable in this question to add what types of things you might want in this tool to help build design requirements (or be involved building yourself :-) ).