Unable to control I/O states on UR10 (python) [closed]
Hi. I'm working on a project where I need to pick up objects using a Universal Robots UR10 robot and a vacuum gripper. So far I am seeing positive results in executing move commands using movegroup python interface. I am, however, experiencing some problems in controlling digital output states using my script. I am using universal_robots package and the official Universal Robots ROS Driver.
Here's my import list:
import sys
import copy
import rospy
import tf2_ros
import tf
import moveit_commander
import moveit_msgs.msg
import geometry_msgs.msg
#from math import pi
import math
from std_msgs.msg import String
from moveit_commander.conversions import pose_to_list
from ur_msgs.msg import SetIO
My function which I'm calling in the main function:
def apply_vacuum(self):
set_io = rospy.ServiceProxy('/ur_hardware_interface/set_io',SetIO)
set_io(fun = 1,pin = 2,state = 1)
except rospy.ServiceException, e:
print "Something went wrong: %s"%e
I'm getting no ServiceException. On my ur10_bringup.launch terminal I'm getting this error whenever I run the script above:
[ERROR] [1579178138.697529807]: Could not get fresh data package from robot
I can do a rosservice call (results in True):
rosservice call /ur_hardware_interface/set_io 1 2 1
success: True
I'm probably missing something. Any help is much appreciated. I'm running ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with Lenovo Thinkpad X260.
EDIT: Seems like I'm trying to call a service that is present in the driver within universal_robots package, not the driver I am using. Am I correct? Running $rosservice list
still yields /ur_hardware_interface/set_io
I would suggest to post an issue on the
issue tracker, as I have the impression the usage of the service is correct, but there is something else going wrong (ie: inside the driver itself). The "could not get fresh data package from robot" is suspicious.If you do post on the tracker, please post a comment here with a link to your issue there, so we keep things connected.
Submitted on the issue tracker: https://github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver/issues/79
Closing as a duplicate then, with the duplicate being the issue on the tracker.
Summarising the discussion there: there is a good chance this is caused by the fact that OP Is also using EtherNet/IP, and the UR controller (at least with the current version of system software) does not seem to support using both EtherNet/IP and RTDE at the same time in certain configurations and with certain usage patterns.