Getting started with MIT racecar

asked 2019-12-17 05:53:41 -0500

crefs gravatar image

I am currently looking into the MIT racecar, and I connect to a MIT racecar simulator using Docker:

I have no experience with ROS, and just starting to investigate how to communicate with the car. The first task I have set for myself is just to make the simulated car drive in at straight line. I could really use some input as to what documentation to look at, and hope the community could give a helping hand.

Thanks a lot in advance.

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I could really use some input as to what documentation to look at, and hope the community could give a helping hand.

while here on ROS Answers we have a community, it's not the MIT Racecar community. There may be better fora to post this question on (as in: fora frequented by more MIT racecar enthusiasts).

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-12-17 13:46:16 -0500 )edit