Errors after running roswtf (specifically for ackermann_vehicle and ackermann_msg packages) [closed]

asked 2015-06-30 03:04:47 -0500

RaheeW gravatar image

updated 2015-07-09 02:28:18 -0500

Hi ! I'm trying to get my head around ROS and Gazebo, specifically for the Ackermann Steering type of vehicles. I had a look at wonderful discussions held by the Ackermann Interest Group here. I have got the Ackermann_vehicle packages and Ackermann_msgs packages too. When I try to run the roswtf to check for the errors, I get the following errors:

Loaded plugin tf.tfwtf
No package or stack in context
Static checks summary:

No errors or warnings
Beginning tests of your ROS graph. These may take awhile...
analyzing graph...
... done analyzing graph
running graph rules...
ERROR: connection refused to [http://rahee-laptop-linux:43092/]
... done running graph rules

Online checks summary:

Found 1 warning(s).
Warnings are things that may be just fine, but are sometimes at fault

WARNING The following node subscriptions are unconnected:
 * /ackermann_vehicle/gazebo:
   * /clock

Found 3 error(s).

ERROR /use_simtime is set but no publisher of /clock is present
ERROR Could not contact the following nodes:
 * /ackermann_vehicle/gazebo

ERROR Errors connecting to the following services:

 * service [/ackermann_vehicle/gazebo/get_loggers] appears to be malfunctioning: Unable to communicate with service [/ackermann_vehicle/gazebo/get_loggers], address [rosrpc://rahee-laptop-linux:56558]

 * service [/ackermann_vehicle/controller_manager/reload_controller_libraries] appears to be malfunctioning: Unable to communicate with service [/ackermann_vehicle/controller_manager/reload_controller_libraries], address [rosrpc://rahee-laptop-linux:56558]

 * service [/ackermann_vehicle/controller_manager/list_controllers] appears to be malfunctioning: Unable to communicate with service [/ackermann_vehicle/controller_manager/list_controllers], address [rosrpc://rahee-laptop-linux:56558]

 * service [/ackermann_vehicle/controller_manager/list_controller_types] appears to be malfunctioning: Unable to communicate with service [/ackermann_vehicle/controller_manager/list_controller_types], address [rosrpc://rahee-laptop-linux:56558]

 * service [/ackermann_vehicle/controller_manager/load_controller] appears to be malfunctioning: Unable to communicate 
with service [/ackermann_vehicle/controller_manager/load_controller], address [rosrpc://rahee-laptop-linux:56558]

 * service [/ackermann_vehicle/controller_manager/unload_controller] appears to be malfunctioning: Unable to communicate with service [/ackermann_vehicle/controller_manager/unload_controller], address [rosrpc://rahee-laptop-linux:56558]

 * service [/ackermann_vehicle/controller_manager/switch_controller] appears to be malfunctioning: Unable to communicate with service [/ackermann_vehicle/controller_manager/switch_controller], address [rosrpc://rahee-laptop-linux:56558]

 * service [/ackermann_vehicle/gazebo/set_logger_level] appears to be malfunctioning: Unable to communicate with service [/ackermann_vehicle/gazebo/set_logger_level], address [rosrpc://rahee-laptop-linux:56558]

I am using Linux MINT 17 with ROS Indigo. Subsequently when I launch the ackermann_vehicle, I also get certain errors, which I think may be related to the above errors. Any help/pointers would be most welcome. Thanks!


UPDATE: The ros-control package wasn't installed, generating dependency based errors. Now it runs properly. without any errors in both roswtf and roslaunch.

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by RaheeW
close date 2015-07-09 02:29:47.242449