calling xacro:macro from within xacro:macro
can I include and call an xacro:macro from within an xacro:macro?
alternatively, can I pass a variable to an xacro if it is not an xacro:macro?
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can I include and call an xacro:macro from within an xacro:macro?
alternatively, can I pass a variable to an xacro if it is not an xacro:macro?
For question 1, yes you can. Recursive macros are allowed.
To answer my own question #1 - Yes, macros can be recursive. My error was that I put the includes for the referenced xacro files under the xacro:macro name="..." line.
The correct way is:
<robot xmlns:xacro="">
<include filename="$(find abb_common)/urdf/irb_5400_macro.xacro" />
<xacro:macro name="generate_robot" params="robot_name" >
<xacro:irb_5400 prefix="${robot_name}"/>
Make sure all the includes are above the macro declaration!
Asked: 2012-05-11 11:11:56 -0600
Seen: 1,592 times
Last updated: May 11 '12
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xacro:macro refers to an xacro that contains a macro. In my answer below, I include an xacro file "irb_5400_macro.xacro" that contains the macro "irb_5400". Then I call that xacro:macro from THIS file. An xacro file can also just contain a set of commands, or even constants (like an include file).