ros2 launchfiles: how to launch nodes that are in the same executable?
Hello all,
I am trying to launch three nodes that are in the same executable to enable intra process communication. In the launchfile I need to create start actions for each of them using:
visualizer_node = launch_ros.actions.LifecycleNode(
package='modulo_core', node_executable="modulo_core_test_cartesian", output='screen')
robot_interface_node = launch_ros.actions.LifecycleNode(
package='modulo_core', node_executable="modulo_core_test_cartesian", output='screen')
motion_generator_node = launch_ros.actions.LifecycleNode(
package='modulo_core', node_executable="modulo_core_test_cartesian", output='screen')
As those are lifecycle nodes the rest is just to configure and activate them. The problem with that approach is that it will start the executable modulo_core_test_cartesian
3 times, resulting in 3 versions of the node conflicting. See the output of ros2 node list
I don't know how to properly handle this. I have read about compositions on the wiki but I am not sure this will allow me intra process communication. Any ideas on the proper method?
Thanks in advance.
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Oh sorry for that. Good to know thanks