[Autoware] Lidar fake perception
Hi all,
Setup: - Ubuntu 16.04 - Ros Kinetic - Autoware - Docker
I am trying to use the lidar_fake_perception node in Autoware, so basically reproduce the two following videos: https://gitlab.com/autowarefoundation...
The goal here is to create a 'fake' point cloud in front of the vehicle and the expected behavior would be to see a change in the topic /twist_cmd and eventually see the vehicle stop.
However, I can barely find any information about this node. The above link is the README.md from Gitlab but I find it difficult understanding how to use the node with this information only. More precisely:
1 - Does the parameter input points (topic /points_raw) need to be published by another node or can I just skip it ? What if the only point cloud I want to visualize is the fake object ? I don't care about other objects. I would like to have only one object in the middle of the path.
2 - Same question for the parameter input objects (topic /detected_objects)
3 - How do I create initial pose (topic /move_base_simple/goal) and input twist (topic /fake_twist) ? So far I just publish them from a terminal.
4 - What other nodes need to be launched ? So far what I am launching is the following: - point cloup map loader - tf loader - waypoint_loader - lane_rule - lane_select - wf_simulator - vel_pose_connect - lattice_velocity_set - path_select - pure_pursuit - twist_filter - Manually publish /move_base_simple/goal - Manually publish /fake_twist
However, the only think I see is: - The vehicle following the path and publish /twist_cmd as expect when using wf_simulator - The topic /fake points is published but /fake_points.data = [] - In RVIZ when I add the topic /fake_point [Type = PointCloud2] I get the error: Status: Error Transform [sender=unknown_publisher]
Anyone who already used this node ?
Thanks a lot :-)