Restart move_base node programatically or control a launch file programatically.
I have a publisher which publishes an occupancy grid map.
For navigation, through a launch file I run the map_server
and Move_base
which enables me to view the costmap for the map
published and also to navigat within the map.
Secondly, the service with respect to the old map is shutdown and the publisher publishes a different map.
launched initially can be used here again for navigation, but the move_base
node will not update
it's parameters for the new map that is loaded as i haven't restarted it.
Is there a way through which I could restart move_base
programatically so it can load parameters for the new map published?
I wouldn't want to shutdown the launch file through which move base was luanched initially.
Or moreover, is there a way to re-initialize costmaps?
Thank you.
which costmap parameters do you want to change on the relaunch?