Can I pass in node options (e.g., IPC=true) when composing nodes using the CLI or launch files
This demo shows how IPC works:
The nodes in this demo are all defined such that use_intra_process_communications is initialized to true when the node is constructed.
This demo shows how composition works:
The nodes in this demo are all defined such that somebody -- the node container? -- passes in node options when the nodes are instantiated. This appears to be a requirement for composition.
Is there a way to specify node options (e.g., use_intra_process_communications=true) using the ros2 CLI or using launch files? I'm not seeing anything in the Python launch code.
Edit: I'm skimming the rclcpp and rcl code, and I see that some arguments are parsed (params, log handling, etc.), but I don't see anything to turn IPC on/off. Is there a feature request / bug tracking this?
Edit 2: It appears that the answer is "no", and this is the issue: