Motoman_driver with dual Motoman Mh5
Hello, I have two Motoman mh5 robot, and they are already connected to the same FS100 controller. I use ROS_Kinetic and MotoRosFS_182.out. But when I tried to launch motoman_driver, I got some error of it.
I followed these steps:
rosparam load `rospack find motoman_mh5_support`/urdf/dual_motoman_mh5/dual_motoman_mh5.urdf robot_description
rosparam set controller_joint_names "[r1_joint_s, r1_joint_l, r1_joint_u, r1_joint_r, r1_joint_b, r1_joint_t, r2_joint_s, r2_joint_l, r2_joint_u, r2_joint_r, r2_joint_b, r2_joint_t]"
roslaunch motoman_driver robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
In this step
roslaunch motoman_driver robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
I get the errors below:
cyc@cyc-X550JX:~$ roslaunch motoman_driver robot_multigroup_interface_streaming_fs100.launch robot_ip:=
... logging to /home/cyc/.ros/log/3e360c46-9658-11e9-aed2-9c5c8e1afee7/roslaunch-cyc-X550JX-22607.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://cyc-X550JX:41411/
* /robot_ip_address:
* /rosdistro: kinetic
* /rosversion: 1.12.14
joint_state (motoman_driver/robot_state_bswap)
joint_trajectory_action (motoman_driver/motoman_driver_joint_trajectory_action)
motion_streaming_interface (motoman_driver/motion_streaming_interface_bswap)
process[joint_state-1]: started with pid [22624]
process[motion_streaming_interface-2]: started with pid [22625]
process[joint_trajectory_action-3]: started with pid [22632]
[ERROR] [1561364152.222744438]: Failed to find topic_list parameter
[ERROR] [1561364152.231102176]: Failed to find topic_list parameter
[ERROR] [1561364152.235351392]: Failed to copy JointData. Len (12) out of range (0 to 10)
[ERROR] [1561364152.235397456]: Failed to parse position data from JointFeedbackMessage
[ERROR] [1561364152.235424544]: Failed to convert SimpleMessage
[ERROR] [1561364152.235485291]: Failed to copy JointData. Len (12) out of range (0 to 10)
[ERROR] [1561364152.235505005]: Failed to parse position data from JointFeedbackMessage
[ERROR] [1561364152.235522137]: Failed to convert SimpleMessage
[ERROR] [1561364152.235555953]: Message callback for message type: 2017, not executed
[ERROR] [1561364152.240573440]: Failed to find topic_list parameter
[ERROR] [1561364152.259931804]: Failed to copy JointData. Len (12) out of range (0 to 10)
[ERROR] [1561364152.259967959]: Failed to parse position data from JointFeedbackMessage
[ERROR] [1561364152.259980652]: Failed to convert SimpleMessage
[ERROR] [1561364152.260358610]: Failed to copy JointData. Len (12) out of range (0 to 10)
[ERROR] [1561364152.260385853]: Failed to parse position data from JointFeedbackMessage
[ERROR] [1561364152.260411328]: Failed to convert SimpleMessage
Does anyone know how to solve it? Hope you could help me this.