Camera calibration and ar_track_alvar pose
I've managed to get ar_track_alvar working with my distortion-free USB camera. Tag recognition works wonderfully.
However, the marker poses detected by ar_track_alvar seem a bit off, meaning the scale of the values doesn't seem to be right.
How can I "calibrate" my camera, so the pose estimation of the detected tags is correct? As I have a distortion-free lens camera, I guess the typical checkerboard method for calibrating the camera wouldn't add much value.
I can't wrap my head around how the calibration method should be able to correct the distance/pose estimation. Am I missing something?
I noticed that the XY values of the pose are far more significant than the Z values. For example, having the tag ~10cm away from the camera gives me a Z value of 0.0005, which is 0.5mm, right?
The relative increase of the distance when I move the tag further away seems to be correct. For example, 20cm away results in Z ~0.001.
Thanks, Alex