How to check if moveit is compiling [locally] after making changes to it's source code?
I wanted to know how the developers are checking if the code of a framework like moveit or some other core ros related code works/compiles after changing them. These are big software which is installed from Debian. Hence, it is not easy to carry out changes to its code and check its working like other ros packages locally. So how do the developers carry out this task? How do I check if the code of moveit is working/compiling properly locally in a PC, after making changes?
One way I could guess is by using an online CI platform like travis. But using travis to see if the whole code is compiling properly is tough because we have to push it to the GitHub repo each time to test something. Is it done maybe through the use of a docker image?
This might be a general software development related question but it would be really helpful to know how the experts carry it out.