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Send a goal position to UR5 by a script

asked 2019-04-28 09:22:34 -0500

Aviad gravatar image


I have the ur5 manipulator and I am working with the moveIt package for it. Now, I want to send a simple goal of the pose of the tcp frame by a code to make a simple control in my lab. I don't find any example for that. I will very glad if someone can help me with a simple example. I want to work with the moveit too but only send commands to the robot by a topic and not by the execute button from rviz.

Tnx, Aviad

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1 Answer

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answered 2019-04-28 10:20:44 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

updated 2019-04-28 10:21:07 -0500

Now, I want to send a simple goal of the pose of the tcp frame by a code to make a simple control in my lab. I don't find any example for that.

If you have seen the Move Group C++ Interface (python version) and it didn't answer your questions / cover your use-case, can you clarify what it is that you are missing?

I have the ur5 manipulator and I am working with the moveIt package for it. Now, I want to send a simple goal of the pose of the tcp frame by a code to make a simple control in my lab. I don't find any example for that.

Note: nothing in MoveIt is "ur5 manipulator"-specific. It's all robot-agnostic, so the chances of finding documentation / tutorials / readmes about doing this with a UR5 are rather slim. You'll want to broaden your search.

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Asked: 2019-04-28 09:22:34 -0500

Seen: 1,004 times

Last updated: Apr 28 '19