Robot goes through lethal terrain using the navigation stack.
I want to make the robot navigate an environment with a maximum possible offset with respect to a user specified path. In order to accomplish this, I had thought of creating a virtual "tunnel" around the path so that the robot may be able to navigate around small obstacles but never wander too far from the path.
The original idea was to implement this as a costmap2D layer in the local costmap, but to try it out quickly, I simply modified the global costmap by hand.
When testing my robot in simulation, the global planner performed as was expected, but when navigating, the robot steered clear of an obstacle and traversed lethal terrain.
This leaves me wondering if the local planner ignores the static map and global costmap, which seems to be a dangerous behaviour, what if, for example, there's a glass wall included in the static map that's not detectable by the range finder and thus is not included in the local costmap?
I've attached an image of the simulation in rviz. In it you will be able to observe the robot path though the odometry readings and how the robot went though the walls of the virtual tunnel.
Thank you for your time.