camera calibration algorithm
Hello everyone ! I wanted to calibrate my camera ( Bus 001 Device 002: ID 058f:3881 Alcor Micro Corp.) screen I did everything that was written in this article
and tried with this video
But nothing happened
My algorithm of actions 1) git clone image_pipeline in folder src in catkin_ws 2) entered the folder catkin_ws then catkin_make 3) roscore in another terminal 4) source .devel/setup.bash 5) rosdep install camera_calibration
until this step everything is fine
6) then i checked what topics are running
rostopic list (and now i have first trouble)
i saw only
although must see
then I leave it without attention and went to the next step. In a little window picture freezes and I saw in terminal bunch of errors with title: error data jpeg or something like that Camera calibration window doesn't see images from camera
Edit1 ___________________________________________________________________________________
New algorithm:
alishka@alishka-HP:~$ roslaunch image_proc image_proc.launch
... logging to /home/alishka/.ros/log/fa2ad5b8-1f2e-11e9-8599-74e54303b47d/roslaunch-alishka-HP-6132.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
[/opt/ros/kinetic/share/image_proc/launch/image_proc.launch] requires the 'manager' arg to be set
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
On this step I've already have a problem
3) rosrun nodes ( Hope I done it right)
alishka@alishka-HP:~$ rosrun image_view image_view image:="camera/camera_raw
[ INFO] [1548265051.286360438]: Using transport "raw"
alishka@alishka-HP:~$ rosrun image_view image_view image:="camera/camera_info"
`[ INFO] [1548265273.871833006]: Using transport "raw"
Window freezes screen
alishka@alishka-HP:~$ rostopic list
Edit 2
I've done camera calibration. I used a usb_cam package The whole problem was in terrible usb camera. I bought a new camera Logitech c615 and it worked perfectly
I edited cpp file where for source node was chosen video0 instead of video 1 in .launch file I did the same
Algorithm (If needed): 1) catkin_make and catkin_make install in a catkin_ws folder 2)roscore 3)source setup.bash in catkin_ws/devel in a folder 4) rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node 5)rosrun camera_calibration –size 8×6 –square 0.028 image:=/usb_cam/image_raw camera:=/usb_cam that's it Thanks to peteblackerthe3rd for help.
Hi @Alishka2k15, I have similar camera module as you. I am just very curious if the calibration matrix you have works for me too. Can you share the intrinsic calibration matrix that you have.