catkin_make --pkg <package> alternative
Hello everybody,
I am using ROS kinetic and got an already finished ROS project build with catkin_make. My job is to add and edit some nodes in this project. The problem is, that I do not have the source files to every node (some of them are right protected, so the previous developer deleted the src folder of some nodes). If I put an CATKIN_IGNORE file in these node folders and then do catkin_make, they cannot be started after I restarted the PC.
So after some googling I found the option catkin_make --pkg <pkg>. And that has seem to be working good. But after a while it didn't just build the given pkg, it was just like the normal catkin_make and started to build all packages (which obviously failed, because of the missing src).
Is there a fix for this problem or another solution beside catkin_make --pkg for my problem?
Thanks for your help!