is there any ros2 rep like rqt_configure in ros1 ?
besides, dynamic_reconfigure is also needed , any one can tell me about it ? or there is some rep work same to it ?
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besides, dynamic_reconfigure is also needed , any one can tell me about it ? or there is some rep work same to it ?
ROS 2 doesn't have / need dynamic_reconfigure
. The functionality has been integrated into the parameter subsystem (see the corresponding design article).
has not been ported to ROS 2 at this time.
Parameter support in rclpy
has just recently been merged so you will need to build from master to use it. I have no idea what you mean with "it seems to not be able to support dynamic_reconfigure"?
Asked: 2018-08-29 06:08:06 -0500
Seen: 252 times
Last updated: Aug 29 '18
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