ROS2: node vs managed node
I'm starting to port a node from ROS1 to ROS2 (ardent).
One of the novelty that seems more promising in ROS2 is the lifecycle
of the nodes, but I cannot find a complete examples if not the lifecycle demo.
All the ROS drivers that I found on Github do not use the "managed node" interface, but they are simply created as ROS1 nodes with the only difference that they are derived from rclcpp::Node
What really concerns me is how to manage a "managed node"... is there a node to control the status of it?
Thank you Walter
Any particular reason for using ardent instead of bouncy?
Because it is not yet available as debian installer under Ubuntu 16.04. I'm not migrating to Ubuntu 18.04 since I'm using also the Jetson TX2 and the latest Jetpack is still based on 16.04
However today I tried to manage the NODE using CLI service calls and I can correctly change state. One thing I expected was that after calling a Shutdown the node closed, instead it remains in "finalized" state and the only way to kill it is the standard Ctrl+C