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Can I use this package to read velodyne HDL- 64

asked 2018-08-05 21:36:50 -0500

Ajay gravatar image

Hello all,

Before I have used package to get data from Velodyne 16 and 32 channel sensors. Now I am looking for ros package for Velodyne 64 channel sensor.

I have tried this package to get data from 64 channel sensor, but i failed. There is no launch file related to 64 channel sensor. Could anyone please suggest me how to get data from 64 channel using this package.

Thanks in Advance. Ajay

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1 Answer

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answered 2018-08-06 01:23:37 -0500

pavel92 gravatar image

Check out velodyne_driver package. Under supported devices it says that it supports the Velodyne HDL-64E model.

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Thank you Pavel for your quick response. Yes i checked that. But there is no related launch file to read velodyne 64 data. Launch file provided only for 16 and 32 LiDAR.

Do we have to create the launch file for 64 LiDAR ??

Ajay gravatar image Ajay  ( 2018-08-06 05:43:06 -0500 )edit

I think that this nodelet_manager.launch has some parameters set for the 64. You can compare the parameters with the 16 and 32 LiDAR and see the changes

pavel92 gravatar image pavel92  ( 2018-08-06 05:54:14 -0500 )edit

Thank you, Pavel, I will check that and get back to you.

Ajay gravatar image Ajay  ( 2018-08-06 19:34:14 -0500 )edit

Hello Pavel, I have tried by changing the parameters in the nodlet_manager for HDL 64E S2 Lidar. Now i am able to get the data from LiDAR. But the data appears to be not properly projected. Seems there is a problem with LiDAR calibration file. Can you please suggest me how to fix ?

Ajay gravatar image Ajay  ( 2018-08-09 21:59:21 -0500 )edit

In this case you can accept the answer as correct since it solved your initial question. I suggest asking a new question with the details of how is the data projected, together with the launch file that you are using.

pavel92 gravatar image pavel92  ( 2018-08-10 01:16:00 -0500 )edit

Thank you Pavel

Ajay gravatar image Ajay  ( 2018-08-10 01:42:03 -0500 )edit

You are welcome, I am glad it helped.
Dont forget to mark the answer as correct by clicking the tick button (It is under the current number of votes).

pavel92 gravatar image pavel92  ( 2018-08-10 01:58:40 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2018-08-05 21:36:50 -0500

Seen: 235 times

Last updated: Aug 06 '18