EKF localization with unknown correspondence

asked 2018-08-01 17:37:28 -0500

frodyteen gravatar image

updated 2018-08-03 16:35:02 -0500

I am working on a simulation with the huskyA200. I want to implement the EKF localization with unknown correspondences (CH7.5) in the probabilistic robotics book by Thrun, to understand SLAM better. Here is a picture of the algorithm in the book: image description image description

I am a little confused on where to place this algorithm in my python code.

following is my simulation setup for this algorithm, I have created a world with 6 landmarks shown below:


then, provided a map using gmapping in rviz shown below: image description.

Then, I wrote down coordinates of 6 landmarks using the publish point in the rviz GUI.

Now, in my code, I am planning to call ekf_localization() algorithm in my laserCallback function, shown below:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
from std_msgs.msg import String
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
import rospy
import numpy as np 
import math

alp1 = 1
alp2 = 1
alp3 = 1
alp4 = 1
sigmaR = 1
sigmaT = 1
sigmaS = 1


start_angle = -1.57079637051
end_angle = 1.56643295288
dA = 0.00436332309619
inc_angle = 0;

u = np.matrix(np.zeros((3, 1)))

#lankmark coordinates in the map
m = np.matrix('0.372 1.85; \
                3.95 1.95; \
                5.33 5.73; \
                2.23 -2.77; \
                7 -1.95; \
                8.36 1.08')

mu = np.matrix(np.zeros((3, 1)))
cov = np.eye(3)
dt = 0.5;
flag = 1
def ekf_localization(hMu, hCov, u, z, m):
    #ekf algorithm code from ch7.5 

def odomCallback(msg):
    global x, y, theta, u, mu, cov, m

    #retrieve the pose from odometry
    #x = msg.pose.pose.position.x
    #y = msg.pose.pose.position.y
    #theta = msg.pose.pose.orientation.z

    #retrieve linear and angular velocity
    u = np.matrix([

def laserCallback(msg):
    global z
    #retrieve the laser range data
    z = msg.ranges
       #this is where I call the ekf algorithm
    ekf_localization(mu, cov, u, z, m);

def main():
    print("Husky_ekf_localization start!!!")

    rospy.init_node('Husky_ekf_localization',anonymous = True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

My questions: Is this is the correct approach to implement this algorithm?

Since I am using a hokuyo 04lx laser, and each scan from 0 to 180 degrees has 720 range data points. Does step 9 means to extract the 720 data points to get the data that’s corresponding to landmarks and loop through those extracted data points? Any feedback is appreciated, thank you!

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