Colcon build fails on ROS2 windows
Trying to build the ROS2 on windows using colcon build
Here is the summary :
Summary: 45 packages finished [637.65s]
1 package failed: poco_vendor
3 packages aborted: fastrtps orocos_kdl rosidl_generator_cpp
11 packages had stderr output: ament_copyright ament_cppcheck ament_cpplint ament_flake8 ament_index_python ament_lint_cmake ament_package ament_pep257 ament_uncrustify launch launch_testing
124 packages not processed
Is the colcon build completely tested or am I making some basic mistakes
EDIT : I am using a VM. The proxy settings are set as follows : git config --global http.proxy
Colcon appears to have worked fine;
failed to build. What's the output ofcolcon build --event-handlers console_direct+ --packages-select poco_vendor
?It says
[Processing: poco_vendor] --using src = ''
but it is unable to connectconnect to port 443 failed: Timed out
. I feel this is because of the proxy settings. And therefore thecolcon build
doesnt succeed.You should look into the connectivity problems of your VM then.