Connecting an app rosjava on a ros master pc without internet

asked 2018-06-06 23:08:37 -0500

caiotfgv gravatar image

updated 2018-08-02 21:07:37 -0500

jayess gravatar image

I'm running Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04. I am running an android ROS Control application on my device and I wish to connect with the ROS Master on my pc. The connection works perfectly when I'm connected to my Wi-fi with internet. With ROS_IP = and ROS_MASTER_URI = http: // or ROS_MASTER_URI = http: // localhost: 11311. But when I'm not connected to the internet the android application does not find the ROS Master. The ping command shows the ok answers of both situations, with and without internet. Has anyone encountered this problem?

I tried a solution by turning off ipv6 on Ubuntu and the Android device, but the problem persists.

Sorry for the bad English, I'm Brazilian and I'm in training.

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solved. it was just disable the mobile internet

caiotfgv gravatar image caiotfgv  ( 2018-06-29 20:43:25 -0500 )edit