Failed to release into Fuerte
Hello, I am trying to release the vision_visp stack into Fuerte but I have the following error message:
ERROR: No rosdep rule can be found for key [u'boost']
This release script uses rosdep 2, which does not read files from
<stack-name>/rosdep.yaml. Please see the following documentation on
how to add the rules you need for release:
I assume that Boost is part of the core rosdep dependencies that are already in rosdep 2 so I don't understand what I should do.
By the rosdep 2 documentation indicates that dependency lookup is done through /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d. This directory does not exist on my computer, neither does /opt/ros/fuerte/etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d. Is it normal?
I do not use shadow repos. Does it explain why it does not work?