Gazebo model stuck in ground after enabling joint controllers
Hi there.
I am struggling with getting my RC Car model to work properly with Gazebo. I have followed both the Gazebo and ROS tutorial on how to create the URDF (XACRO) files and the required Gazebo launch file. With just the joint state publisher I am able to view the model correctly in RVIZ. But whenever I include the joint controllers and spawn the model in Gazebo it will just spawn within the ground and without any wheel.
I have uploaded all the files to the following Git repository:
Any clues about what could be wrong? You can try and run the Gazebo model and see for yourself:
roslaunch jetsoncar_description gazebo.launch
Thank you in advance.
Best regards, Thomas Jespersen
Please see #q284241, I'm not sure, but you might be running into the same problem.
Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately even changing all controllers to be just JointVelocityController does not solve the problem. The model still spawns within the ground and can not be moved above ground.