Move ur10 with ROS topic
Hi, with my project I'm trying to move the ur10 robot and I've attached a 3-finger gripper at the end-effector. I've already found some documentation on how to move it giving values to the joints, however my goal would be to give a final pose of the end-effector and make it unfold in order to get to that pose.
My thought would be of using the inverse kinematics and as you can imagine it's quite complex and I can't find it. I'm trying to simulate the robot in gazebo so I can see it moving, so I would need a way of setting a final pose for the end effector and with this calculate the joints positions or simply make it move to there.
I'd appreciate some feedback.
EDIT 1: The link provided by @lagankapoor doesn't help much for what I'm trying to do. I've created the package of my robot for moveit and made it move there by moving the end effector and clicking "Plan and Execute". However I need the robot to move while having a node publishing the end-effector pose inside a loop. For example, in pseudo code:
while (ros::ok())
x,y,z = pose of end effector
make robot unfold so end effector reaches x,y,z
something like this is what I want to do if possible
You want a repo or want to hind for that ?
@lagankapoor Sorry but what do you mean? I've managed to attach a gripper to the ur10 and I can open/close the gripper but also want to move the arm. What would be my options?
you have two option you can use moveIt for planning and otherwise you can use GUI in Rviz like Joint publisher
@lagankapoor Using a GUI in Rviz is not viable for me as I'm interested to feed the pose of the end-effector, not the joints. Can you explain me in a few words hoe the planning in moveit works?