how to migrate bag file containing roslib/Log and visualization_msgs/MarkerArray
I want to migrate a bag file containing recorded with Diamondback to Electric. The bag contains roslib/Log messages which seem to be missing in Electric, plus visualization_msgs/MarkerArray for which there are no migration rules.
So I run rosbag fix xxx.bag xxx-fixed.bag and after a while I am confronted with the message:
* From: roslib/Log [acffd30cd6b6de30f120938c17c593fb]
To: Unknown
1 rules missing:
* From: roslib/Log [acffd30cd6b6de30f120938c17c593fb]
To: Unknown
* From: visualization_msgs/MarkerArray [f10fe193d6fac1bf68fad5d31da421a7]
To: visualization_msgs/MarkerArray [90da67007c26525f655c1c269094e39f]
1 rules missing:
* From: visualization_msgs/Marker [bc7602ad2ba78f4cbe1c23250683bdc0]
To: visualization_msgs/Marker [18326976df9d29249efc939e00342cde]
Try running 'rosbag check' to create the necessary rule files or run 'rosbag fix' with the '--force' option.
So I do as it wishes and run rosbag check 2011-06-24-19-30-36.bag -g myRule.bmr which results in:
WARNING: Within rule [GENERATED.update_visualization_msgs_MarkerArray_f10fe193d6fac1bf68fad5d31da421a7] cannot migrate from subtype [Marker] to [Marker]..
The following migrations need to occur:
* From: roslib/Log [acffd30cd6b6de30f120938c17c593fb]
To: Unknown
1 rules missing:
* From: roslib/Log [acffd30cd6b6de30f120938c17c593fb]
To: Unknown
* From: visualization_msgs/MarkerArray [f10fe193d6fac1bf68fad5d31da421a7]
To: visualization_msgs/MarkerArray [90da67007c26525f655c1c269094e39f]
1 rules missing:
* From: visualization_msgs/Marker [bc7602ad2ba78f4cbe1c23250683bdc0]
To: visualization_msgs/Marker [18326976df9d29249efc939e00342cde]
The message type roslib/Log appears to have moved. Please enter the type to migrate it to.
What am I supposed to do now? And does anyone have a migration rule for the MarkerArrays or know how to auto-generate them?