Transfer only a ROI of an OccupancyGrid
I am using ROS on a remotly operated Ground Vehicule. This robot produce a SLAM Map nav_msg/OccupancyGrid. This map is displayed on a control station. Link between rob ot and control station could be for example WiFi. Maps could be quite big 4 kilometers squared with 0.1 meter of resolution. When the robot is building the map, I want this map to be shown in live on the control station. Of course, I can't transfer the full map every time my SLAM loop update the map. On a previous midleware I developped an object "OccupancyGrid" on wich I was able to define a Region Of Interest, and only a patch was transfered from the robot to the control station. Only the patch was refreshed on the control station and I was able to work with Big OccupancyGrid without saturate neither the control station processor, nor the Wireless link. I am looking for a tool in ROS wich allow to extract an ROI of an occupancy grid, and update an ROI of an occupancy grid. I tried to find in the 2000+ softwares wich already exists and I can't find it.
Does it exists some where ?
If that doesn't exist, I will do it my self because it's quite easy to develop. If you think other persons may be interested, I will publish it somewhere on the ROS website.
A.BARRAL Robopec