Problem getting real-time_map using hector_slam!!!
'Hello all,
I am using Xbox360, Ros Kinetic, Ubuntu 16.04LTS
I am new to ROS. I want to map an unknown enviroment using kinect. For this I am using freenect and gmapping. I have done these steps:
- roslaunch freenect_launch freenect.launch
- rosrun pointcloud_to_laserscan pointcloud_to_laserscan_node cloud_in:=/camera/depth/points
- rosbag record -O mybag /scan
- rostopic echo /scan /////////i can see scan data is available here
- rqt_graph
here is my MY RQT_GRAPH and here is MY FRAMES.PDF
This is all great.
But the problem is getting data from the bag file
- roscore
- rosparam set use_sim_time true
- roslaunch hector_slam_launch tutorial.launch scan:=/base_scan
- rosbag play --clock mybag.bag
- rqt_graph
here is my MY RQT_GRAPH and here is MY FRAMES.PDF
I can't see any error in RViz. But I can't see the map either. The terminal where I launch hector_slam shows the error that
[ WARN] [1515990267.492285826]: No transform between frames /map and scanmatcher_frame available after 20.002855 seconds of waiting. This warning only prints once.
[ INFO] [1515990270.173023564]: lookupTransform base_footprint to camera_depth_optical_frame timed out. Could not transform laser scan into base_frame.
- rostopic pub syscommand std_msgs/String "savegeotiff"
but the terminal in which tutorial.launch is running stated that
[ INFO] [1515995399.174200553]: HectorSM sysMsgCallback, msg contents: savegeotiff
[ INFO] [1515995399.174327483]: HectorSM Map service called
[ INFO] [1515995399.194847114]: GeotiffNode: Map service called successfully
[ INFO] [1515995399.222169236]: Cannot determine map extends!
[ INFO] [1515995399.222222911]: Couldn't set map transform
I HAVE ALSO RUN rosrun tf view_frames
can anyone help me with this
please do post a comment if any other specifications required.
Thank you in advance.....
I highly doubt that this is the actual error that you're getting. Please update your question with a copy and paste of the actual error message from the terminal.
I have updated my question.@jayess
caps lock
key broken?Thank you @gvdhoorn for all the struggle you have taken to edit my question. There isn't any problem with my keys but I have typed like that only to highlight important things.
Could some one give solution to my question? It is very urgent.
@NAGALLA DEEPAK we all have deadlines. It's not like people aren't answering because they don't want to. Perhaps no one who has seen your question has time to answer it (giving good answers takes a lot of time) or knows the solution.
I haven't used
but it looks like you have a problem with your network. Are you using a simulator or a physical robot?Sorry for the earlier post.