ros cell network
I'm using ROS on a robot with a netgear cell modem. The modem says it supports port forwarding but I have spent hours trying to get it to work to no avail. So instead I setup reverse ssh which works great but now I want to use RVIZ, and using it over SSH is too slow. Does anyone know how to do a 'reverse ros connection' that would establish an outbound connection to a server and allow tools like rviz, rostopic, and rqt to work from behind a firewall.
Wouldn't a VPN make this much easier? That way your robot would be part of the same network as your PC, without any port-forwarding or other tricks needed.
I've always wanted to use tinc-vpn for something like this. Appears as a NIC to your OS, so should be easy with ROS.
Thank you. That's sounds like what I have been looking for. Also thanks for the tinc suggestion. I'll look into that.