Problem with creating visualization for multimaster ROS system
I have 3 turtlebots and one computer to control/ssh them. It's a multimaster ROS system- each turtlebot runs its own rosmaster. I group all the individual robot topics in a group so they get their appropriate namespaces. Ex. turtle01/amcl_pose, etc. Each robot saves a map of my lab area and loads it during startup. I am using multimaster_fkie for this setup.
My questions: Can I create a single rviz file, view all the robots together in one map on my computer and all of them performing amcl to estimate their location?
When I run more than 1 robot on the same map, my robot pose gets messed up. It looks like this.
I am unable to figure out the reason behind this.
When I run the minimal.launch file on each robot, all the topics get the namespace except /tf, /tf_static and /scan. When I launch multiple robots together, won't this create a problem? This is how the topics look like.
dslam@turtlebot01:~$ rostopic list
Thank you.
Instead of linking to images of terminal output, can you please copy and paste it here? This helps to keep the question self-contained and has the benefit of being searchable.
I've corrected it now. Thank you for suggesting that!
I've given you some karma, can you please see if you can insert your image into your question instead of hosting it externally?
Sure. I wanted to do the same but I didn't have enough karma. Thank you.