Use of diff_drive_controller to simulate a differential drive in Gazebo
Did anybody manage to use diff_drive_controller in to simulate a differential drive in Gazebo**? Theoretically should work if the gazebo_ros_control ( plug in is used in Gazebo but there is a note that the hardware_interface::VelocityJointInterface is not fully implemented.
Works for me, do you have any specific question?
It is not necessary to implement RobotHWSim, it works using just the Gazebo plugin, correct? Do you know of any robot sample that have implemented this configuration?
libgazebo_ros_control with DefaultRobotHWSim should do.
As an example I would only have mine atm: launch-, urdf- file.
Husky might use it.
Thank you! I really appreciate your feedback!
Do you also use the diff_drive_controller on the real robot? I was looking at the links from your repository and could not find the diff_drive_controller implemented on the hardware robot.
No, only simulation, "real" odometry calculation is done on a separate real time cpu