ImportError while installing ROS2 from source
I followed the instructions for installing ROS2 from source (from github wiki).
Isolated and non-isolated build:
src/ament/ament_tools/scripts/ build --build-tests --symlink-install <--isolated>
: I'm getting a Import Error: No module named 'catkin_pkg'
and a NameError: name 'catkin_pkg' is not defined
The errors occur at line number 34 and 48 in ros1_bridge/
$ <path-to-python> -c 'import catkin_pkg'
reproduces this error.
Any ideas why? Is there a step that I've missed? Should there be a sudo -H pip install catkin_pkg rospkg
somewhere in the docs?
I would really suggest you report this at the ROS2 github issue tracker.