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roslaunch and command OS

asked 2017-10-14 02:26:20 -0500

mag.rod gravatar image

can you include operating system commands as superuser in a launch file?

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answered 2017-10-14 02:39:26 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

can you include operating system commands [..] in a launch file?

Please see #q272267.

as superuser

yes, see #q165246 for instance. But, also see #q189457, as it's rarely really needed to run things as root. In almost all cases it can be solved with configuring the proper permissions for the user starting the ROS node.

Try to avoid it.

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Asked: 2017-10-14 02:26:20 -0500

Seen: 218 times

Last updated: Oct 14 '17