How to detect loop closure after scan matching?
Hello, How to detect loop closures from the scan matched 2D data?
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Hello, How to detect loop closures from the scan matched 2D data?
This is a non-trivial problem, two approaches doing this are implemented in open_karto and cartographer. For the latter, you can read about the clever branch-and-bound approach used in this paper.
In gmapping, there is no explicit detection of loop closures, but map hypotheses with "badly" matched parts get a low weight and get sampled out.
May i know how to solve using open_karto? Could you please elaborate the steps? What are the changes to be made in tha launch files to run my own datasets?
Asked: 2017-10-04 01:48:11 -0500
Seen: 511 times
Last updated: Oct 05 '17