How to make SLAM with other programs and tools?
Hi everyone
I'd like to know a way to make Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM). All projects I've seen are driven by teleop_twist_key node, or a joystick. In order to apply SLAM, the wheeled robot I'm looking for needs to make autonomously a mapping for the planar environment it moves, preferably indoors. I know teleop node, navigation stack and gmapping from ROS are always the chosen by almost everyone to make this task.
Thanks to @gvdhoorn now I know other implementation for ROS like frontier_exploration package and turtlebot_exploration_3d
Which other implementations exists to use SLAM in the way I'm looking for?
Is this related to #q269765 (your previous question)? If not, can you clarify what you actually want to do?
Oh, yes it is. I forgot I've asked the same question a week ago. In this case I should delete this question?
We can close it as a duplicate and then optionally delete it.
Thanks for reopen this one