Existing map cannot localize the robot
I ran the existing map in RVIZ and try to self-navigate the robot. Everytime I run the map, the laser scan does not align with the map and it seems that the map cannot localize the robot accurately 100%. I used 2D Pose Estimate to localize the position of the robot, however, it is hard to get it 100% accurately. I would like to ask if is there any way in the RVIZ to localize the robot accurately ?
Welcome. We're going to need more information because as it is, there isn't enough information in this question to solve your problem. What OS are you using, version of ROS, packages/nodes, map, etc.? What does
mean? You're not going to get 100%.
Hopefully this link helps: http://wiki.ros.org/Support#Guideline...
Hello, thank you for your feedback.The RVIZ can see the Ridgeback and map. However, when i run the robot from one location to another using my code; when the robot gets into one of the far rooms it appears to lose orientation, the longer the robot runs the localization still floats off.
I use Linux Ubuntu 14, the package I am using is Navigation package for Ridgeback robot.