[Poll] What notebook would you recommend for ROS development
What notebook would you recommend for ROS development? Would MacBook Pro work good?
I work with ROS a lot in my projects. I also often need Gazebo, so Parallels on Mac would not efficiently, and I need either install ROS on MacOS or use Ubuntu on MBP. Does ROS and Gazebo work same at MacOS as under Ubuntu currently? Do you have experience using Ubuntu with ROS on MBP or what are your other recommendations?
Update: So there are 2 Alienware recommendations and I am not sure about MBP. Anybody use it? Because Alienware seems to be not very compact. Maybe we could make some poll "What notebook do you use for ROS" here.
@Rr: ROS Answers isn't really well suited for discussions or polls (it's a 1-question-to-1-answer kind of site). It's fine to leave your question here now, but in the future, consider posting these sort of things to ROS Discourse instead.