Unable to detect AprilTag using ROS
Hi, I was looking on the internet regarding resources to set-up ROS for detecting AprilTags. I came upon a write-up at https://cmumrsdproject.wikispaces.com... about the same.
My background: I am a novice in ROS and is working on detecting apriltags using ROS. I have followed the tutorials and have the launch files, both for my camera driver(same as the usb_cam mentioned in the link) and apriltags_ros. I have caliberated the camera and have the needed .yaml file. I can view the raw and rectified images from my camera but can't read the apriltags, I am using tag36h11.
After reading the write-up( of the link) I believe, I don't have the correct set of code in my launch file as a part of roslaunch apriltag_ros [launchfilename].launch. I am attaching the code of my launch file.
<node pkg="apriltags_ros" type="apriltag_detector_node" name="apriltag_detector" output="screen">
<!-- Remap topic required by the node to custom topics -->
<remap from="image_rect" to="image_rect" />
<remap from="camera_info" to="camera_info" />
<param name="/image_rect" type="string" value="/camera/image_rect"/>
<param name="/camera_info" type="string" value="/camera/camera_info"/>
<!-- Select the tag family: 16h5, 25h7, 25h9, 36h9, or 36h11(default) -->
<param name="tag_family" type="str" value="36h11" />
<!-- Enable projected optical measurements for more accurate tag transformations -->
<!-- This exists for backwards compatability and should be left true for new setups -->
<param name="projected_optics" type="bool" value="true" />
<!-- Describe the tags -->
<rosparam param="tag_descriptions">[
{id: 0, size: 0.02},
{id: 1, size: 0.163513, frame_id: a_frame},
{id: 2, size: 0.163513},
{id: 3, size: 0.163513},
{id: 4, size: 0.163513},
{id: 5, size: 0.163513}]
I am using tag36h11, id=0. The width of the block is 2cm and hence the change in id=0 in the above code. Can someone please help me understand as to what is possibly wrong?
Also, after launching the two launch files (apriltags_ros/launch/my.launch
and bluefox2-master/launch/my_cam.launch
), if I direct my camera on the april tag (I am using tag36h11), shouldn't I be seeing some values in the terminal?
When I launch my camera driver launch file, I get this:
- /camera/aec: False
- /camera/agc: False
- /camera/calib_url: file:///home/sris...
- /camera/camera_name: camera
- /camera/cbm: 0
- /camera/ctm: 1
- /camera/dcfm: 0
- /camera/expose_us: 20000
- /camera/fps: 30.0
- /camera/frame_id: camera
- /camera/gain_db: 0.0
- /camera/hdr: False
- /camera/identifier: 26805690
- /camera/idpf: 2
- /camera/image_raw/compressed/jpeg_quality: 80
- /camera/mm: 0
- /camera/request: 0
- /camera/wbp: -1
- /rosdistro: kinetic
- /rosversion: 1.12.7
:NODES /camera/
image_proc (image_proc/image_proc) viewer (image_view/image_view) / camera (bluefox2/bluefox2_single_node)