Travis Build Fails on installing moveit_ros_planning_interface
My Travis build fails with:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
ros-indigo-moveit-commander : Depends: ros-indigo-moveit-ros-planning-interface but it is not going to be installed
Does anyone know if this is related to changes in Moveit lately? I think my travis.yml is okay because it's pretty much the same as the one for rail_manipulation_msgs. Here's the travis.yml:
"sudo": "required",
"dist": "trusty",
"language": "generic",
"env": "CI_ROS_DISTRO=\"indigo\"",
"install": [
"sudo sh -c 'echo \"deb trusty main\" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'",
"wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -",
"sudo apt-get update -qq",
"sudo apt-get install -qq -y python-rosdep python-catkin-tools",
"sudo rosdep init",
"rosdep update",
"rosdep install --from-paths ./ -i -y --rosdistro $CI_ROS_DISTRO"
"script": [
"source /opt/ros/$CI_ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash",
"mkdir -p $CATKIN_WS_SRC",
"cd $CATKIN_WS",
"catkin init",
"pip install catkin-pkg",
"catkin config --install",
"catkin build --limit-status-rate 0.1 --no-notify -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"
"global_env": "CATKIN_WS=~/catkin_ws CATKIN_WS_SRC=${CATKIN_WS}/src",
"group": "stable",
"os": "linux"
I tried restarting the build a few times but it always fails on the same thing. I can install moveit_commander and moveit_ros_planning_interface from the command line without issues.
Full build error here: