How run few node from one package?
Hi. I installed diferential_drive package. One node from this package run well. But if i running another one node from this package, ROS don't found this package.
$ rosrun differential_drive
[rospack] Error: package 'differential_drive' not found
How can I run few node frome one package? Thanks.
Are you make sure you've have sourced the workspace setup.bash file? Maybe, you're trying to run it in another terminal that you didn't execute e.g: source ~/catkin_ws/setup.bash
Yes, i'm sure. I did source ~/catkin_ws/setup.bash. First node run is well. But after if i do "rospack list", then list no have differential_drive. If no one node is run from this package, rospack list have differential_drive. Why package is gone when i run node? Sorry for my English )
I try do "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" before every rosrun node from package in every terminal. And it's work. So that is right using?
Exactly! That's the way you have to use ROS. You should source the workspace devel/setup.bash file manually or in your .bashrc file. :)