Two quadrotors in a single robot
I'd like to know how to I spawn two quadrotors inside a single robot in Gazebo. Since I want to add a object to link them, I have to be able to generate two inside a single model. I'm using hector_quadrotor repository.
I've been using hector_quadrotor repository.
I have a project to develop a multi UAV payload sharing. So far I have been able to control the quad through a joystick and also connect it with a bar, just like the image:
I want to add another quad fixed to the other side of the bar, and after that, I will at a payload in the middle. Spawning a quad in another namespace doens't help me, because I won't be able to connect them with the bar. So they have to be in the same robot/model.
Thanks in advance
Question is too ambiguous. Can you post the link to the repo you are using and explain what you have done what you would like to add.
I edited my question, thanks!