moveit controller configuration with true arm

asked 2017-04-21 05:54:22 -0600

wilsion_huang gravatar image

Dear all: I‘m sorry that i have some trouble with moveit! when i use the moveit_setup_assistant to setup my own works fine on the rviz.and when i want to connect it to my arm,i have follow the tutorials with controllers.yaml and Manipulator_h_moveit_controller_manager.launch.but i don't konw the next step. i search for some ways obtain creat a moveit_planning_execution.launch.but i cannot konw how to do it ,there are also another way through the ros-industrial package (but the package are need ip to connect while my arm are through serial dev/ttyUSB0).so i am confused.can anyone give me a advise to solve it! THANKS !

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