moveit build error- move_group_interface.h file not found
I am running ROS indigo,I had installed moveit from user binary.When i try to do a catkin_make
I get the following error in moveit packages:-
fatal_error: moveit/move_group_interface/move_group_interface.h : No such file or directory
#include moveit/move_group_interface/move_group_interface.h
compilation terminated!
I have made no changes to the moveit package. move_group_interface.h seems to be included in every example code, I dont see how it can be missing.
As a result in the custom package that i have created I am using move_group instead of move_group_interface.
Why does it provide same clone link for both indigo-devel and kinetic-devel branch?. Downloading as zip worked though.
Because you clone a git repository, not a branch. You have to checkout the correct branch yourself.