vector or array of sockets [closed]
How to declare an array of sockets to be connected to different client from a single server. Is it possible to declare a std::vector <tcp::socket>????
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How to declare an array of sockets to be connected to different client from a single server. Is it possible to declare a std::vector <tcp::socket>????
Asked: 2017-03-09 03:53:02 -0600
Seen: 107 times
Last updated: Mar 09 '17
Hundreds of outbound connections to rosout, OS out of sockets [closed]
Velodyne HDL32E sends data, but velodyne_driver gets none
Error in turtlebot_simulator at gazebo_ros_create
Rosbridge 2.0 with raw sockets
Do interprocess nodelet communication perform any kind of TCP external communication?
I'm sorry, but this seems only tangentially connected to ROS (if at all). With 33000+ questions, we try to keep ROS Answers on-topic as much as possible.
I suggest you post this question on a different forum.