Gazebo is not publishing clock
My Gazebo is not publishing the clock anymore. I don't know what I did wrong. A few days ago it worked, but not anymore.
"use_sim_time" is set to true (rosparam get use_sim_time
returns true)
The time in the simulator is running.
I used the sasc version of Gazebo (Gazebo 8.0), but reverting to 7.5 doesn't change it.
Between the last time it worked and the first time I noticed it doesn't work anymore, I installed CUDA 8 and compiled OpenCV 3.1 from source. But I also reverted back to CUDA 7.5 and the default opencv of my system which doesn't make it work.
It seems to me that on no other topics something is published either. But if I manually publish something (i.e. rostopic pub /test std_msgs/String "test" -r 5
) I can display the content via rostopic echo.
Any clues of what might be wrong?